COVID-19 Response
IntegralOrg is here for you!
If you have questions or pressing needs related to managing your organization in these trying times and into the future, please connect via email or our Contact Us form.
Vaccination Policies for Nonprofit Employers
Vaccination Policies for Nonprofit Employers
As more Albertans receive their COVID-19 vaccinations and return to the office, nonprofit employers must be clear on their responsibilities and obligations and put policies in place to protect their organizations, employees, and volunteers.
This toolkit contains a Q and A document that addresses from a legal perspective the most common questions asked by nonprofit employers about vaccinations.
Also part of the toolkit is a recorded webinar from June 2021 that provides legal perspectives on the occupational health and safety obligations of nonprofit employers with regards to COVID-19 and the employment and privacy implications of various vaccination policies.
COVID-19 Recovery Checklist for Nonprofits and Charities
Leading your organization forward will require many choices and actions based on an understanding of the evolving external environment and the internal capacity and preparedness of your staff, Board, and volunteers. This COVID-19 Recovery Checklist for Nonprofits and Charities has been developed by IntegralOrg to assist nonprofit organizations in identifying current and future needs in the recovery phase.
Legal Considerations for Nonprofits: Changes to work and workplace related to COVID-19
This series of tip sheets provides food for thought from a legal perspective on what to think about and do for a healthy organizational recovery. Tip sheets include Corporate Governance, Privacy, Force Majeure, Director Duties and Commercial Leasing.
Blogs to help your organization prepare for the future
Is Social Enterprise a Game-Changer for Alberta Nonprofits (March, 9 2021)
Navigating the Storm: Decision Making Amidst Uncertainty (January 5, 2021)
Rethinking Risk Management: Lessons learned and a need for a new approach (September 22, 2020)
Alberta Nonprofits and AGMs: Flexibility for some nonprofits to delay AGMs and hold remote meetings has now ended (August 18, 2020)
Getting Together: What Alberta nonprofits need to know about the legal aspects of amalgamation, merger, and consolidation (June 29, 2020)
Pandemic Pivot: Engaging social entrepreneurship to adapt in a time of crisis (June 8, 2020)
Embracing Crisis with Discipline (April 23, 2020)
In Times of Change: The nonprofit shift from response to recovery (March 31, 2020)