Session 1
Fundraising Fundamentals: Is fundraising an essential part of your revenue? Are you confident that your fundraising practices and policies are setting you up for success? This workshop will help you build strong, stable, and practical fundraising practices, covering topics such as: Accepting gifts and donations, Stewarding donors, Appropriate use of funds, Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) compliance, and Provincial and CRA fundraising requirements.
Session 2
HR Basics: Do you have questions about current employment standards in Alberta? Are your current policies and procedures compliant? Join us as we do an overview of HR basics in the following areas: Hiring & Termination Practices, Occupational Health and Safety, Handling payroll deductions and employment benefits.
Session 3
Keeping your Non-Profit Healthy: Are you a non-profit or Society operating in Alberta? Do you have questions about your objects, or issues around financial or legal compliance?The topics that will be included are: Governance responsibilities, Non-profit legal compliance, CRA compliance (reporting, receipting, other CRA policies), GST compliance.This seminar would be of interest to Board members, Management and volunteers as we help you to explore the requirements to meet under your legislation for successful outcomes as you carry out your missions.