Weather the Storm: Tools and Strategies for Nonprofit Sustainability
A Symposium co-hosted by ECVO, FuseSocial, and IntegralOrg
We’ve all been through a lot. The global pandemic, ongoing natural disasters, deepening financial pressures, and growing needs in our communities have made one thing clear – change is inevitable. The uncertainties that still lay before us are a powerful reminder to the leaders, volunteers, and staff of nonprofit organizations of the need to be predictive and proactive in our decision making; to build strong and resilient organizations while continuing to fulfill our missions.
Join us on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 for Weather the Storm, a symposium co-hosted by capacity-building partners Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO), IntegralOrg, and FuseSocial. Keynote speakers will present on tools and strategies for nonprofit sustainability and preparing for uncertainty.
You’ll learn processes, best practices, and strategic considerations to help your organization respond effectively to change and disruption, adapt to unforeseen circumstances, recover from setbacks – and to seize opportunity when it strikes.
Insights on Tomorrow: Mike Grogan
Planning at the best of times can be a challenge, but now, with the number and magnitude of the uncertainties before us, moving forward may be a daunting task. A fundamental piece of proactive planning is to take a step back from our own organizational focus and operations to understand shifts in the larger environment we work within.
Mike Grogan will unpack the key issues, trends, insights, and lingering questions that may impact our organizations and the sector in the months ahead to help bring a measure of clarity to our planning and decision-making processes.
Mike Grogan is the President & CEO of IntegralOrg. From program lifecycle analysis, to change management, and sector network development, Mike has worked with diverse stakeholders to design programs and systems to meet the changing needs of nonprofit organizations and of the nonprofit sector.
Building Resilience Through Effective Risk Management: IntegralOrg and Leslie Tamagi
What is risk management? How do you engage your staff and Board in meaningful discussions around risk - both the threats facing your organization and the exciting opportunities that require bold but risk-informed decision-making? What does a risk-aware organizational culture look like?
Leslie Tamagi presents an overview of risk management for nonprofits and how to move beyond traditional risk management approaches to prepare for, respond to, and leverage the strategic and external risks we face in our ever-changing environments. IntegralOrg will also introduce their new Risk Management Toolkit, a free, interactive online tool to help organizations track and monitor progress in the development of best practices and proactive strategies to mitigate risk.
Trainer Leslie Tamagi has more than 25 years experience as CEO of diverse organizations and understands firsthand the complex challenges facing management, staff, and boards in the nonprofit sector. For more than a decade she has worked with nonprofit organizations, providing training and supporting them through their risk management journeys.
Introduction to Service Continuity: FuseSocial and Canadian Red Cross
Emergencies, crises, and other disruptions can happen at any moment. Community organizations, non-profits, and other social profit organizations provide critical services to their communities and should be equipped with the knowledge on how to manage disruptions. This presentation will cover the basic service continuity concepts and give organizations a place to start on their service continuity planning journey.
Join FuseSocial as they tell the story of Wood Buffalo Food Bank, an organization that has faced two major disruptions from disasters and learned first-hand the impact of service continuity planning.
Mergers and Strategic Restructuring: ECVO
ECVO: We strengthen the public service voluntary sector in Metro Edmonton by building capacity, giving voice to issues, and working towards a strong, vibrant community.
FuseSocial: We help strengthen social profits through education, development, innovation, and collaboration opportunities that are accessible and relevant.
IntegralOrg: We are the go-to problem-solver for Alberta nonprofit organizations, offering education, resources, and support offering support in foundational areas of governance, legal compliance, financial management, strategic planning, change management, and risk management.
NOTE: This event was originally scheduled for September 2021, but was postponed due to presenter availability. We have contacted all those who alread purchased tickets for the original date at the email that they provided to Eventbrite to let them know that their tickets will automatically apply to the rescheduled date. If you have any questions or wish to request a refund, feel free to contact us at