
IntegralOrg presents at conferences and events across Alberta on subjects of interest to nonprofits and charities such as governance, legal compliance, financial management, strategic planning, change management, and risk management.

If you are interested in IntegralOrg presenting at your conference or event, please give us a call at 403-910-7279 or connect by email.


Recent Presentations

Event/Conference Presentation
Board Leadership Southeast Alberta 2020
Medicine Hat
Keynote: Risky Business: Understanding Risk and Legal Fundamentals for Nonprofits
Sessions: Making Sense of Objects, Bylaws, and Policies: Govern Yourself Accordingly!
HR Basics 
Fundraising Essentials
Board Leadership Lethbridge 2020 Pros and Cons of Charitable Registration
Bylaws, Policies and Procedures
Board Leadership Edmonton 2020 Alberta’s OHS Act and Privacy Basics
Bringing Your Budget to Life
Catalyst Roundtable Maintenance of Charitable and/or Not-for-Profit Status
University of Calgary, Faculty of Business Management Consulting in the Nonprofit Sector
Central Alberta Regional Museum Network Conference
Red Deer
Keynote: Shifting Sands: The Changing Landscape of Fundraising in Alberta
Session: Grassroots Fundraising
Leagues Alive Conference
Fundraising Fundamentals
HR Basics
Keeping Your Nonprofit Healthy
Volunteer Lethbridge Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act
Keeping Your Nonprofit Healthy
Board Leadership Calgary Budgeting for Nonprofits
Objects and Bylaws
Canadian Bar Association Charities Symposium What Charities and Nonprofits Need to Know When Lobbying Across Canada